Measure Response Times

Learn how to measure response times using BELLATRIX API library.


public class MeasuredResponseTimesTests : APITest
    private ApiClientService _apiClientService;

    public override void TestInit()
        _apiClientService = App.GetApiClientService();

    public void ContentPopulated_When_GetAlbums()
        var request = new RestRequest("api/Albums");

        var response = _apiClientService.Get(request);


    public void DataPopulatedAsList_When_GetGenericAlbums()
        var request = new RestRequest("api/Albums");

        var response = _apiClientService.Get<List<Albums>>(request);

        Assert.AreEqual(347, response.Data.Count);

    public void DataPopulatedAsList_When_GetGenericAlbumsById()
        var request = new RestRequest("api/Albums/10");

        var response = _apiClientService.Get<Albums>(request);

        Assert.AreEqual(10, response.Data.AlbumId);

    public void ContentPopulated_When_GetGenericAlbumsById()
        var request = new RestRequest("api/Albums/10");

        var response = _apiClientService.Get<Albums>(request);


    public void DataPopulatedAsGenres_When_PutModifiedContent()
        var request = new RestRequest("api/Albums/11");

        var getResponse = _apiClientService.Get<Albums>(request);

        var putRequest = new RestRequest("api/Albums/11");

        string updatedTitle = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        getResponse.Data.Title = updatedTitle;



        var getUpdatedResponse = _apiClientService.Get<Albums>(request);

        Assert.AreEqual(updatedTitle, getUpdatedResponse.Data.Title);


public class MeasuredResponseTimesTests : APITest

Sometimes it is useful to use your functional tests to measure performance. Or to just make sure that your app is not slow. To do that BELLATRIX libraries offer the ExecutionTimeUnder attribute. You specify a timeout and if the test is executed over it the test will fail.


Another way to measure performance is to use the AssertExecutionTimeUnder method. If the request took longer to execute the test will fail again. You can use the method approach in case the speed of all request is not so important. In all other cases, you can use the global attribute.