Create Simple GET Request

Learn how create a simple GET request using BELLATRIX API library.


public class CreateSimpleRequestTests : APITest
    public void GetAlbumById()
        var request = new RestRequest("api/Albums/10");
        var client = App.GetApiClientService();

        var response = client.Get<Albums>(request);

        Assert.AreEqual(10, response.Data.AlbumId);



This is the main attribute that you need to mark each class that contains MSTest tests.

public class CreateSimpleRequestTests : APITest

All API BELLATRIX test classes should inherit from the APItest base class. This way you can use all built-in BELLATRIX tools and functionality.


All MSTest tests should be marked with the TestMethod attribute.

var request = new RestRequest("api/Albums/10");

The base URL of your application is set in testFrameworkSettings.json under apiSettings sections- baseUrl. For creating a request you need to point the second part of the URL.

var client = App.GetApiClientService();

Use BELLATRIX App class to get a web client instance. We use it to make requests.

var response = client.Get<Albums>(request);

Use generic Get method to make a GET request. In the **<> **brackets we place the type of the response. BELLATRIX will automatically convert the JSON or XML response to the specified type.

Assert.AreEqual(10, response.Data.AlbumId);

After you have the response object, you can make all kinds of assertions.