
Learn how to use the BELLATRIX logging library.


public void GetAlbumById()
    var request = new RestRequest("api/Albums/10");

    var client = App.GetApiClientService();
    Logger.LogInformation("Before GET request. CUSTOM MESSAGE ###");
    var response = client.Get<Albums>(request);

    Assert.AreEqual(10, response.Data.AlbumId);


By default, you can see the logs in the output window of each test. Also, a file called logs.txt is generated in the folder with the DLLs of your tests. If you execute your tests in CI with some CLI test runner the logs are printed there as well. outputTemplate - controls how the message is formatted. You can add additional info such as timestamp and much more. For more info visit- https://github.com/serilog/serilog/wiki/Formatting-Output

Logger.LogInformation("Before GET request. CUSTOM MESSAGE ###");

Sometimes is useful to add information to the generated test log. To do it you can use the BELLATRIX built-in logger through accessing it via static Logger class.

Generated Log, as you can see the above custom message is added to the log.

[11:14:08] Start Test
[11:14:08] Class = LoggingTests Name = GetAlbumById
[11:14:09] Before GET request. CUSTOM MESSAGE ###
[11:14:09] Making GET request against resource api/Albums/10
[11:14:09] Response of request GET against resource api/Albums/10 - Completed