Extensibility- Assertion Hooks

Learn how to extend the BELLATRIX built-in assertion methods using hooks.


Another way to extend BELLATRIX is to use the assertions hooks. This is how the BDD logging is implemented. For example, some of the available hooks are:

  • AssertExecutionTimeUnderEvent - an event executed before AssertExecutionTimeUnder method
  • AssertContentContainsEvent - an event executed before AssertContentContains method
  • AssertContentTypeEvent - an event executed before AssertContentType method

You need to implement the event handlers for these events and subscribe them. BELLATRIX gives you again a shortcut- you need to create a class and inherit the AssertExtensionsEventHandlers class In the example, DebugLogger is called for each assertion event printing to Debug window what the method is verifying. You can call external logging provider, modify the response, etc. The options are limitless.


public class DebugLoggerAssertExtensions : AssertExtensionsEventHandlers
    protected override void AssertContentContainsEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response content contains {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertContentEncodingEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response Cache-Info header is equal to {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertContentEqualsEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response content is equal to {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertContentNotContainsEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response content does not contain {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertContentNotEqualsEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response content is not equal to {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertContentTypeEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response Content-Type is equal to {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertCookieEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response cookie is equal to {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertCookieExistsEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response cookie {arg.ActionValue} exists.");

    protected override void AssertExecutionTimeUnderEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response execution time is under {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertResponseHeaderEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response header is equal to {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertResultEqualsEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response content is equal to {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertResultNotEqualsEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response content is not equal to {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertStatusCodeEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response status code is equal to {arg.ActionValue}.");

    protected override void AssertSuccessStatusCodeEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response status code is successfull.");

    protected override void AssertSchemaEventHandler(object sender, ApiAssertEventArgs arg) => DebugLogger.LogInformation($"Assert response is compatible to specified schema.");


public override void TestsArrange()

Once you have created the EventHandlers class, you need to tell BELLATRIX to use it. To do so call the App service method AddAssertionsEventHandler.

public void AssemblyInitialize()

Usually, we add the assertions event handlers in the AssemblyInitialize method which is called once for a test run.


If you need to remove it during the run you can use the method RemoveAssertionsEventHandler.