Extensibility- Add New Find Locators

Learn how to extend BELLATRIX adding new custom find locators.


Imagine that you want to create a new locator for finding all elements with an ID starting with a specific value. First, you need to create a new ‘FindStrategy’ class.


public class FindIdStartingWithStrategy : FindStrategy
    public FindIdStartingWithStrategy(string value)
        : base(value)

    public override By Convert()
        return By.CssSelector($"[id^='{Value}']");

In the Convert method, we use a standard WebDriver By locator, and in this case we implement our requirements through a little CSS.

To ease the usage of the locator, we need to create an extension methods for ComponentCreateService and Component classes.

public static class ComponentCreateExtensions
    public static ComponentsList<TComponent> CreateAllByIdStartingWith<TComponent>(this Element element, string idEnding)
        where TComponent : Component => new ComponentsList<TComponent>(new FindIdStartingWithStrategy(idEnding), component.WrappedElement);
public static class ComponentRepositoryExtensions
    public static TComponent CreateByIdStartingWith<TComponent>(this ComponentCreateService repository, string idPrefix, bool shouldCache = false)
        where TComponent : Component => repository.Create<TComponent, FindIdStartingWithStrategy>(new FindIdStartingWithStrategy(idPrefix), shouldCache);

    public static ComponentsList<TComponent> CreateAllByIdStartingWith<TComponent>(this ComponentCreateService repository, string idPrefix)
        where TComponent : Component => new ComponentsList<TComponent>(new FindIdStartingWithStrategy(idPrefix), null);


using Bellatrix.Web.GettingStarted.ExtensionMethodsLocators;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace Bellatrix.Web.GettingStarted
    public class NewFindLocatorsTests : WebTest
        public void PromotionsPageOpened_When_PromotionsButtonClicked()

            var promotionsLink = App.Components.CreateByIdStartingWith<Anchor>("promo");


You need to add a using statement to the namespace where the extension methods for new locator are situated.

using Bellatrix.Web.GettingStarted.ExtensionMethodsLocators;

After that, you can use the new locator as it was originally part of BELLATRIX.

var promotionsLink = App.Components.CreateByIdStartingWith<Anchor>("promo");