Extensibility- Add New Element Wait Methods

Learn how to extend BELLATRIX adding new element wait methods.


Imagine that you want to wait for an element to have a specific style. First, you need to create a new class that inherits the WaitStrategy class.


public class WaitToHasStyleStrategy : WaitStrategy
    private readonly string _elementStyle;

    public WaitToHasStyleStrategy(string elementStyle, int? timeoutInterval = null, int? sleepInterval = null)
        : base(timeoutInterval, sleepInterval)
        _elementStyle = elementStyle;

    public override void WaitUntil<TBy>(TBy by)
        WaitUntil(d => ElementHasStyle(WrappedWebDriver, by), TimeoutInterval, SleepInterval);

    public override void WaitUntil<TBy>(TBy by, Element parent)
        WaitUntil(d => ElementHasStyle(parent.WrappedElement, by), TimeoutInterval, SleepInterval);

    private bool ElementHasStyle<TBy>(ISearchContext searchContext, TBy by)
        where TBy : FindStrategy
            var element = searchContext.FindElement(by.Convert());
            return element != null && component.GetAttribute("style").Equals(_elementStyle);
        catch (StaleElementReferenceException)
            return false;

Find the element and check the current value in the style attribute. The WaitUntil method will wait until the value changes in the specified time.

The next and final step is to create an extension method for all UI elements.

public static class UntilElementsExtensions
    public static TComponentType ToHasSpecificStyle<TComponentType>(this TComponentType element, string style, int? timeoutInterval = null, int? sleepInterval = null)
        where TComponentType : Component
        var until = new WaitToHasStyleStrategy(style, timeoutInterval, sleepInterval);
        return element;

After UntilHasStyle is created, it is important to be passed on to the element’s EnsureState method.


using Bellatrix.Web.GettingStarted.ExtensionMethodsWaits;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace Bellatrix.Web.GettingStarted
    public class NewElementWaitTests : WebTest
        public void PromotionsPageOpened_When_PromotionsButtonClicked()

            var promotionsLink = App.Components.CreateByLinkText<Anchor>("promo").ToHasStyle("padding: 1.618em 1em");


You need to add a using statement to the namespace where the new wait extension methods are located.

using Bellatrix.Web.GettingStarted.ExtensionMethodsWaits;

After that, you can use the new wait method as it was originally part of BELLATRIX.

var promotionsLink = App.Components.CreateByLinkText<Anchor>("promo").ToHasStyle("padding: 1.618em 1em");