Extensability- Extend Existing Elements- Child Elements

Learn how to extend BELLATRIX web elements using child elements.


public class ExtendExistingElementWithChildElementsTests : DesktopTest
    public void MessageChanged_When_ButtonClicked_Wpf()
        var button = App.Components.CreateByName<ExtendedButton>("E Button");


        var label = App.Components.CreateByName<Button>("ebuttonClicked");
        Assert.AreEqual("ebuttonClicked", label.InnerText);


public class ExtendedButton : Button
    public void SubmitButtonWithEnter()
        var action = new Actions(WrappedDriver);

The second way of extending an existing element is to create a child component. Inherit the element you want to extend. In this case, two methods are added to the standard Button component. Next in your tests, use the ** ** instead of regular Button to have access to these methods. The same strategy can be used to create a completely new element that BELLATRIX does not provide. You need to extend the ‘Element’ as a base class.

var button = App.Components.CreateByName<ExtendedButton>("E Button");

Instead of the regular button, we create the ExtendedButton, this way we can use its new methods.


Use the new custom method provided by the ExtendedButton class.