Behaviour Driven Development BDD Logging

Learn the BELLATRIX Behaviour Driven Development BDD Logging works and how to use it.


public void CommonAssertionsAndroidControls()
    var button = App.Components.CreateByIdContaining<Button>("button");


    var checkBox = App.Components.CreateByIdContaining<CheckBox>("check1");



    var comboBox = App.Components.CreateByIdContaining<ComboBox>("spinner1");



    var label = App.Components.CreateByText<Label>("textColorPrimary");


    var radioButton = App.Components.CreateByIdContaining<RadioButton>("radio2");


    radioButton.ValidateIsChecked(timeout: 30, sleepInterval: 2);


There cases when you need to show your colleagues or managers what tests do you have. Sometimes you may have manual test cases, but their maintenance and up-to-date state are questionable. Also, many times you need additional work to associate the tests with the test cases. Some frameworks give you a way to write human readable tests through the Gherkin language. The main idea is non-technical people to write these tests. However, we believe this approach is doomed. Or it is doable only for simple tests. This is why in BELLATRIX we built a feature that generates the test cases after the tests execution. After each action or assertion, a new entry is logged.

After the test is executed the following log is created:

Start Test
Class = BDDLoggingTests Name = CommonAssertionsAndroidControls
Ensure control(ID = button) is NOT disabled
Check control(ID = check1) on
Ensure control(ID = check1) is checked
Select 'Jupiter' from control (ID = spinner1) on
Click control(Text = Jupiter) on
Ensure control(ID = spinner1) text is 'Jupiter'
Ensure control(Text = textColorPrimary) is visible
Click control(ID = radio2) on
Ensure control(ID = radio2) is checked