Extensability- Extend Common Services

Learn how to extend BELLATRIX common services.


using Bellatrix.Mobile.IOS.GettingStarted.CommonServicesExtensions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace Bellatrix.Mobile.IOS.GettingStarted
    public class ExtendExistingCommonServicesTests : IOSTest
        public void ButtonClicked_When_CallClickMethod()
            App.AppService.LoginToApp("bellatrix", "topSecret");

            var button = App.Components.CreateByName<Button>("ComputeSumButton");



public static class AppServiceExtensions
    public static void LoginToApp(this IOSAppService appService, string userName, string password)
        var ComponentCreateService = new ComponentCreateService();
        var userNameField = ComponentCreateService.CreateById<TextField>("IntegerA");
        var passwordField = ComponentCreateService.CreateById<Password>("IntegerB");
        var loginButton = ComponentCreateService.CreateById<Button>("ComputeSumButton");


One way to extend the BELLATRIX common services is to create an extension method for the additional action.

  1. Place it in a static class like this one.
  2. Create a static method for the action.
  3. Pass the common service as a parameter with the keyword ‘this’.
  4. Access the native driver via WrappedDriver.

Later to use the method in your tests, add a using statement containing this class’s namespace.

using Bellatrix.Mobile.IOS.GettingStarted.CommonServicesExtensions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace Bellatrix.Mobile.IOS.GettingStarted

To use the additional method you created, add a using statement to the extension methods’ namespace.

App.AppService.LoginToApp("bellatrix", "topSecret");

Use newly added login method which is not part of the original implementation of the common service.